Plain timber floorboards

Plain timber floorboards are a perfect way for an interior finish. This material has an amazingly elegant appearance and, if properly maintained, can uphold its aesthetic and functional advantages for many decades. Moreover, every board manufactured of natural wood differs from any other. The reason behind it is its unique grain pattern, which provides a room with a very natural ambience.

Plain timber floorboards have a uniform, thoroughly sanded surface. Such a construction proves itself brilliant for rooms dominated by minimalist interior designs. When laid on the floor, the boards create a plain surface, similar to panels. They are, however, definitely more durable and elegant than other products made of wood-like materials. Should you prefer products with an attractive texture, why not choose the brushed floorboards from our product portfolio as well.

Our plain floorboards are made of larch timber. This material is resistant not only to the impact of atmospheric agents present indoors, but outdoors as well. Wood of this species is lightweight, elastic and has a pleasant, resinous aroma, which stays in the room for a long time after the overhaul is completed. This timber has a deep, appealing colour. It proves itself exceptional in rooms featuring contemporary interior design as well as those more classical spaces.

We undertake to ensure that the floorboards we deliver have the required moisture content of 10 to 16%. As a result of this, they can maintain their proper shape for many years of intense use. We can handle the entire machining process of the raw boards, and through this we have an impact on every step of the manufacturing process. The preparation of boards is based on individual orders – we can cut them to the sizes you indicate.