Brushed exterior timber cladding

We manufacture brushed exterior claddings from larch. These are high-quality products, which allow you to create unique coverings for exterior building walls. Our brushed exterior timber cladding has a great appearance when used for contemporary or classic structures. They allow us to seamlessly fit the building into the green surroundings, to create a great appearance in combination with other natural raw materials.

Our brushed exterior timber cladding is scorched first, and then machined with special brushes and rinsed. Brushing with the use of metal tools means we can effectively remove the soft wood parts. This is a way to achieve a very appealing texture. The same technique is applied to manufacture brushed timber decking boards, which perfectly complement all wooden façades.

Every single piece of timber available in our entire range differs from all other ones. The unique feature of wood is that its individual pieces have various grain patterns. Owing to this, our timber cladding allows you to create a unique and beautiful façade, to make your building stand out against the surrounding properties.

We prepare brushed exterior cladding out of larch timber. This wood species has had great popularity for many years in Central Europe. It is very resistant to mould growth and humidity impact. Due to UV radiation, its colour becomes deeper and more elegant. Our larch timber is sourced in Polish forests and then machined at our own plant. Owing to this, we can keep each manufacturing step under control, which allows us to create boards suitable for your requirements. We can manufacture products with any dimensions that depend on the dimensions of individual walls of the building.

Check out our range.