Timber decking boards manufacturer

As a manufacturer of timber decking boards, we create products that allow you to aesthetically finish the exterior space of a building. We use materials and machining methods that ensure the durability of the ready-made covering. Our boards are manufactured of larch timber harvested in Polish forests. It is one of the most durable species growing in our country. It shows a high resistance to the impact of atmospheric agents, including humidity, which causes rotting. Larch decking boards can fulfil their function over many years and adorn your terrace, balcony or other exterior space of the building.

We manufacture timber decking boards with a variety of structures. They include grooved products, i.e. equipped with special grooves. Such products let you quickly drain away moisture from the terrace surface, and in this way help preserve its proper condition for longer. Moreover, grooved timber decking boards improve safety. Their uneven texture causes the surface of wooden floor coverings to be less slippery after rainfall, as is typical of plain products.

Our range also includes brushed boards, where the soft parts have been removed. The surface of such products consists of cavities and convexities. The brushing process makes it possible to remove parts that are less resistant to mechanical damage and to keep harder wood parts protruding. Such boards have a very natural appearance. They have a rough, ecological look. Their uneven surface has a similar effect to a grooved surface – it reduces the slipping hazard during rain.

We also manufacture sanded, plain boards. These are a good choice for people who value homogeneous surfaces and a minimalist look. They are also a great choice for spaces sheltered from the rain, where no water accumulates.

End-to-end manufacture of larch timber decking boards

Our larch timber decking boards are manufactured from the very beginning at our plant. We procure wood raw materials and subject them to our own drying processes in special kiln drying chambers. In this way we are able to achieve a moisture content of 10-16%. Wood with such parameters does not deform and can serve without any problems for many years. It makes sense, however, to preserve them additionally, so as to avoid damage caused by adverse atmospheric conditions.